Winter conditions bring concern about access to work, school & business.  The goal of the Township is to have all roads passable as soon as possible in the event of winter storms.  The Township does not assure a completely bare road.  Users of the road system are reminded to exercise caution and drive safely according to road conditions.

The Township will dispatch the snowplow and truck when snow has accumulated to a four (4) inch depth as determined by the Road Supervisor.  If accumulation is less than four (4) inches, roads will be plowed at the discretion of the Road Supervisor.  The snowplow and truck will not be sent out in situations that may be hazardous due to restricted visibility.  Generally the clearing of roads will consist in three phases, making the roads passable, widening and cleaning up.  Depending on the situation, more than one of the above phases may be accomplished at a time, except in life threatening situations.  The Township will utilize salt or other chemicals or materials, at the discretion of the Road Supervisor only on such places as upon hills, at intersections or upon high speed or arterial roadways where vehicle traction is particular critical.  The Township will only place salt or chemicals upon roadways, if in the opinion of the Road Supervisor, removal of ice reduction of hazardous conditions by blading, plowing, grading or natural elements cannot be accomplished within a reasonable time.

Township residents are reminded that it is unlawful to plow snow from driveways onto or across public roads. Piles of snow left on or near the road can freeze into a solid mass creating a hazardous situation for both vehicles and snowplows. Accidents and damages caused by snow piles left in or on the side of the roadway may result in liability to the property owner. Snow piles left on the side of the roadway increase the chances of drifting snow onto the road. Vehicles left or parked in the Township Road right of way's will be towed at the owner's expense. Residents are reminded to remove all obstructions from the Township Road right-of way's that includes boulders and any landscaping materials.  Township vehicles will not attempt to remove stuck vehicles from Township ditches, snow banks or any other impediment unless it is a life threatening situation and they have first called 911.  When directed by the Supervisors or the Sheriff's Department, the Township will make every effort to plow for emergencies.